Friday, November 22, 2013

Kindergarten News for the Week of November 25 - November 29, 2013

Kindergarten News for the Week of November 25 -  November 29, 2013

Students will be dismissing at 1:00pm on Wednesday, November 27 due to Thanksgiving break.  There will be no school Thursday, November 28 – Monday, December 2.  Classes will resume on Tuesday, December 3.  Enjoy your vacation!

Word List #5 will be sent home today but will not be tested until Friday, December 6.  Please quickly review the list every night with your child.  Thank you!

On Monday, November 25 Santa letters will be sent home.  Please complete the letter with your child and send back to school no later than Tuesday, December 3.  The post man will be collecting the letters sometime during that week and we do not want any child to feel left out.  

The next Scholastic Book Order is due Friday, December 6.  If your flyer is missing, you can order online at  Our access code is LJBCY

K-2 will be performing a Christmas concert on Thursday, December 6 in the high school auditorium.  Kindergarten will sing right away at 9:30am.  Please dress your child in clothes that are dress code appropriate or nicer.  Many parents decide to dress their daughters in dresses and sons in a shirt and tie, but that is up to you!  All parents are invited to attend this festive event!

Our specials schedule for the week is:
Monday – Day 1 - Library
Tuesday – Day 2 - Music
Wednesday– Day 3 – Gym (Remember your sneakers!)
Thursday – Happy Thanksgiving!
Friday – OFF

Please let me know if you or your child needs anything!  Have a wonderful Thanksgiving vacation!

Mrs. Frushon
(570)874-3661 ext. 3239

Friday, November 1, 2013

Kindergarten News for the Week of November 4, 2013

Thank you to everyone who came out to support the Halloween Parade!  Everyone looked wonderful in their costumes!  A big thank you also goes out to the homeroom helpers and anyone who sent in goodies for the students!  

Word List #2 will be sent home today and tested on Friday, November 8.  Please quickly review the list every night with your child.  Thank you!

Next week we will be learning the letter Mm as in mouse.  Please continue to review all of the letters your child has previously learned.  Show and Tell for the letter Mm will be held on Friday, November 8.  Please send in one or two small items that begin with the letter Mm.

We will be going outside for recess every day that is sunny.  Please send your child to school with a warm jacket, gloves, and a hat since the weather has been getting colder.  If your child does not have a coat, he/she will not be permitted to go outside for recess.  Also, please begin to practice buttoning buttons, zipping zippers, and tying shoes.  All of these independent skills are very important to make the day run more smoothly with less interruptions. 

Our specials schedule for the week is:

Monday – Day 2 - Music
Tuesday – Day 3 – Gym (Remember your sneakers!)
Wednesday – Day 4 - Computers
Thursday – Day 5 - Art
Friday – Day 1 – Library (Don’t forget your books!)

Please let me know if you or your child needs anything!  Have a super weekend!

Mrs. Frushon
(570)874-3661 ext. 3239